Easter games (egg-cellent fun guaranteed)
It's the Easter Holidays, the kids are kicking about at home & with the long Easter weekend ahead of us, we all need a few extra tricks and activities up our sleeves!
Keep things fun and get the whole family involved - here are a few of our favourite, simple games that kids of all ages can play... and we think adults will enjoy them too.
Easter egg hunt
The humble egg hunt is sure-fire hit from toddlers to teens and needs no explanation. We tend to opt for the classic & easiest option, hiding chocolate eggs around the garden and setting the kids free to hunt out as many as they can for their Easter baskets (oh why do we never remember to count them beforehand?!)
To make it a little more challenging for older kids, you can write clues to lead them to each egg - or to one final egg at the end of the hunt. Alternatively, write letters on the eggs and task them with finding the eggs to spell out their name. Though you'll need to make sure you even this out between siblings with different length names of course!

Scavenger hunt
Give kids a list of items to find in the house or garden. The winner is the one that finds all items on the list first.
We love this take on the classic game from the Woodland Trust, using an egg box to collect your found items. There are loads of other ideas over on their site too, from 'collecting' Spring sounds to a mini match box treasures version.

Tea Tray Memory Game
We all remember this classic game from birthday parties in our childhood... before the current trends bouncy castle & soft play!
Set up a tray with different tea and Easter related items (around 20). Show it to your guests and give them a minute to look at it.
Then take the tray away or cover with a tea towel and ask everyone to write down the items they remember. The winner is the one who has the most correct answers. Younger children can answer verbally in teams.
Lookabout game
A classic Victorian parlour game and one for a rainy day: the host picks an item – (a vase, picture frame or book) shows it to guests and asks them to leave the room. The host then hides it, guests return and attempt to locate the object. Players take a seat whenever they spot it, and the last person remaining becomes the next hider.
Family Quiz
Last but not least, here is our Small & Wild Family Easter Quiz which will challenge the big kids and grown ups!
Enjoy, and do let us know any favourite games of your own.