Christmas Snowman Iced Buns
Christmas is a time when we all like to indulge just a little. Our lovely friends over at The Northern Dough Co came up with this brilliantly festive treat to make with your small people using their new Buttery Brioche Dough. Not only do these spiced Snowman buns look incredibly cute but they go perfectly with the vanilla and cinnamon flavours in our warming Happy Toucan tea, yum! We can’t wait to get baking!
Photo credit @robyn_s_photog and Northern Dough Co.
What you’ll need…
1-2 balls of Northern Dough Co Brioche Dough (1 ball makes 4 buns)
2-3 tbsp dried orange/citrus peel piece
2-3 tbsp dried cranberries and/or sultanas
100g icing sugar
Fondant carrot decorations
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp nutmeg
Photo credit @robyn_s_photog and Northern Dough Co.
What to do...
First, defrost your dough (either overnight in the fridge, or for 3-4 hours on the worktop), leaving your dough in the wrapper. Throw your berries, orange and sultanas into a tupperware (with a lid), sprinkle on all your spices and mix together by shaking the box to disperse your spices amongst the dried fruit mix.
Unwrap your doughball and flatten to around 3cm thickness. sprinkle the spiced mix on top, and then fold the dough over repeatedly to incorporate the ingredients. Bring the dough back to a ball and split into 4. Roll each piece of dough into a ball and place into a lined tin and cover. It’ll now need to proof (double in size) which will take a few hours (the time will depend on the room temp, approx. 3-4 hours). If you have a nice cosy spot like a shelf over a radiator, it’ll work a treat, just don’t place over a direct heat.
Once the dough has doubled in size, it’s time to give it a little egg wash (or milk). Bake at 160 degrees in a Fan Oven (Electric 180 degrees) for 15-20 mins until golden brown.
Set aside to cool. Mix up your icing sugar with a drop or two of water. The thicker your icing, the whiter your snowmen faces will be. Decorate with cranberry/ sultana eyes, a citrus peel mouth and a carrot for a nose.
Pop on some Christmas Tunes, and enjoy your snowman Iced Spiced buns with a warm cup of Small & Wild Happy Toucan Tea. The cinnamon and vanilla in the tea work perfectly with the Iced Spiced Buns for a wintery festive warm family treat.